
天晉值這個價嗎? Is The Wings value of the price?

天晉跟同區的樓比較, 有以下優勢
- 新樓
- 新鴻基地產品牌
- 高級廚具及用料
- 向南海景
- 特高 3.5米 (11呎) 樓底
- 酒店及寫字樓配套
- 豪華會所
- 地鐵站上蓋

其實為每個優點加 五百元一呎, 天晉真的不值?

The Wings has follow selling points
- Not second hand
- Sun Hung Kai Band
- Finest finishes and touches
- South seaview
- 3.5 M (11') height
- Hotels and Commerical
- Club axis
- MTR on-top

If for each point add $500/s.f., is The Wings really not value of the price?

(歡迎連絡 http://blog.yahoo.com/centalinedem 中原地產陳先生了解更多資訊 852-51007094 / 86-15012507094)
(Welcome to contact http://blog.yahoo.com/centalinedem Centaline Property agency Mr. Chan for more detail 852-51007094 / 86-15012507094)

