天晉包括了酒店, 寫字樓, 酒店, 住宅, 四合一高格調。而且商場打通君薈坊商場和將軍澳中心商場。前面地皮更為新地所有。可以想象附近包括九龍灣的德福商場和觀塘的APM都不可能達到這個級數。未來將軍澳區行街的好去處必定改為天晉的將軍澳站
You can imaging The Wings included commercial, hotel, residential and shopping mall. And the shopping mall is also connected to the others two shopping malls those are nearby. It will be the top class shopping mall and you cannot find it even in Kwun Tong!
(歡迎連絡中原地產陳先生詳細解釋以上意見 852-51007094 / 86-15012507094)