
天晉新柱無消息跟本買唔到! The Wings new block sold very fast!

天晉近兩日, 每日都開二條新柱, AB單位. 呎數(1110-1128). 三房單位. 由於呎價由七千餘起. 連續兩日都半日賣曬. 所以有心買的人, 請聯絡經紀. 否則等報紙消息出已經買唔到心水單位.

The Wings new units 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B (1110'-1128') start from 7xxx/s.f. and only take half day all sold out.If you want to get the lovely one. You should contact your agency ASAP before the newspaper report!
(歡迎連絡 http://blog.yahoo.com/centalinedem 中原地產陳先生了解更多資訊 852-51007094 / 86-15012507094)
(Welcome to contact http://blog.yahoo.com/centalinedem Centaline Property agency Mr. Chan for more detail 852-51007094 / 86-15012507094)

